May 08,2020
Workshop on volunteering and activism
May 08,2020
Workshop on volunteering and activism
To change the world around us we need to start doing small steps ourselves. This weekend we realized a workshop "Volunteering and activism" in the Orphanage of St. Anthony. As part of the project "Young peacekeepers for a society without violence" as an alternative to violence and destructive behavior, we raise awareness of activism. The aim of the workshop was to raise awareness of the importance of helping others and a positive impact on the society around us. We talked about volunteering and activism with an emphasis on acting, active participation, actions for good and the responsibilities of each of us. It is important not waiting for someone else to do it. We concluded that in order to change the world around us, we need to start ourselves. When asked who the volunteers are and why they help us, the children answered that they are good and decent people who want to share love and help them achieve their life goals. They also named that they want to share knowledge with them, help them with learning and that volunteers take care of other people’s happiness in the future. Interestingly, when we asked our little ones what they would change in their community, they stated that they would change the technology thinking that they would like to have more.

May 11,2020
Volunteering Course ONLINE
New edition of Education for volunteering. Although most of our volunteer activities are temporarily prevented, includin...

Jun 12,2020
Workshop against prejudice on two continents
We learn and share the experiences of children from Croatia and Tanzania. As part of the Young Peacemakers project, we p...

Aug 04,2020
Our Petra in the Glas Koncila
Read the testimony of the Friends of the Orphanage project manager. Part od the article: "She is aware of the great pov...