Nov 23,2020

Fair-Play in Sport and Life

Nov 23,2020

Fair-Play in Sport and Life

A new project that we are implementing with NK Coerver and the Tuškanac Center. We started the implementation of the project "Fair Play in Sports and Life" together with the association NK Coerver and the Center for Education Tuškanac. The project is funded by the City of Zagreb from the Public tender for financing programs and projects of associations in the field of prevention of unacceptable behavior of children and youth from the Budget of the City of Zagreb for 2020. The goal of the project "Fair Play in Sports and Life" is to combat violence among the general child population as well as a specific category of children from alternative care through sports activities and prevention workshops. In the project, we have already realized several trainings with primary school students and their peers from COO Tuškanac who are members of a vulnerable group of children without parental care and with special needs. In order to achieve the primary goal, we will initially raise awareness of unacceptable behavior and violence and thus act to raise awareness of violence among children and young people in public and among targeted users. Within the project, the prevention of peer violence among children will be carried out through education and experiential learning and sports activities. We will develop skills of non-violent communication, peacekeeping and non-violent methods of resolving conflicts among the target group. We will use sports terminology and develop team spirit. We will learn how to express emotions without destructive and aggressive behaviors and how to accept defeat and personal mistakes and deal with emotions of sadness, disappointment, anger in a constructive way. Our association is proud to participate as a partner in the prevention of unacceptable behavior of children in the city of Zagreb.