Jul 15,2022
Start the distribution of humanitarian packages in Imotski
Jul 15,2022
Start the distribution of humanitarian packages in Imotski
As part of our humanitarian project "Hand of Support" in the area of Imotski, we started distributing humanitarian baskets with food in the Imotski region. With co-financing from the European Union and the Fund of European Aid for the Most Deprived, we are implementing the project with the aim of alleviating the consequences of poverty. In Imotski region 333 people will receive aid packages. Since we have users from Sinj region, , Dubrovnik and Metković, we will also include people from those areas in order to provide as much territorial coverage as possible, and we will distribute the packages through cooperating associations and partners of Cartias Dubrovnik Diocese. In Sinj region

Aug 12,2022
Searching for GODPARENTS for our student
As the new academic year began, enrollments in high schools and colleges in Tanzania began. Since tuition fees at higher...

Sep 24,2022
FEAD: Our humanitarian basket of food reaches the most deprived
In order to alleviate the material deprivation of the most deprived people, the "Kolajna ljubavi" association distribute...

Oct 05,2022
We are starting with a new Volunteer Course
Sign up and become Kolajna's link that will spread good deeds in Croatia and Africa. The introductory meeting will be...