Equipping the Social Supermarket with Ministry of Agriculture Support

Equipping the Social Supermarket with Ministry of Agriculture Support


We are deeply honored that Charity Association Kolajna ljubavi has once again been recognized and supported through a valuable grant aimed at improving the living conditions of vulnerable communities in Croatia.


This time, through the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries’ program “Infrastructure Equipment for Intermediaries in the Food Donation Chain and Food Banks”, which seeks to raise awareness about food waste and provide direct assistance to those in need, we received funding for our project “Equipping the Social Supermarket IM” in Imotski. 


As intermediaries in the food donation process, our mission is to help as many people as possible, especially those living on the brink of poverty and in difficult circumstances.


With the financial support from this program, we were able to secure funds to develop an application that will allow us to keep detailed records of all our users, donations, and the aid provided. Our beneficiaries include single individuals, people with disabilities, single parents, and families with multiple children.

Additionally, we used part of the funds to purchase a pallet truck, simplifying the daily sorting, loading, and unloading of donated food. Upon project completion, both the application and the pallet truck will continue to be utilized in our day-to-day operations, further supporting our role as intermediaries in the donation and distribution of food.


The total amount of non-refundable funds we received through this grant is €11,869.90.


This valuable initiative encourages all of us to reflect on and act responsibly when it comes to food management, especially in a time when climate change, health crises, and conflicts are increasingly affecting global food production, distribution, and prices.


Although Croatia ranks below the EU average in terms of food waste per capita, an estimated 286,379 tons of food are still wasted annually. State Secretary Zdravko Tušek, who presented us with the grant agreement, emphasized the importance of ongoing measures and activities to reduce food waste. He noted that in 2023, 1,861,974 kg of food was donated in Croatia—a 19% increase compared to 2022.


As a society, we bear the responsibility to reduce food waste. Through continued education and raising awareness, especially among the younger generations, we can make a lasting impact on this issue.