Dec 01,2018
We graduated!
Dec 01,2018
We graduated!
Our kindergartens had a graduation celebration and receive their diplomas. They are now ready for school. They danced on tanzanien pop hits, got their gifts, and a priest held a beautiful speech about how parents should be thinking a lot of educating their children. He gave special thanks to Croatia, all of our volunteers and godfathers that have big hearts and are securing the future of young in Tanzania and Africa.

Dec 12,2018
Celebrating our 10th birthday
We made it too our first ten, we are so proud! On Saturday, December 1, we met with our volunteers to mark the 10th anni...

Dec 16,2018
Merry Christmas
No translation... sorry...

Dec 17,2018
Our new year calendars
That time of the year is finally here! Hurry up for your Kolajna ljubavi calendar, more beautiful than ever :) All you...