Oct 20,2023

Ecological workshops and hygiene aid packages in the Imotski region

Oct 20,2023

Ecological workshops and hygiene aid packages in the Imotski region

As part of our project "Hand of Clean Support", we held two ecological workshops that will greatly improve the maintenance of hygiene in households throughout the Imotski region.It was very productive at the ecological workshop "Body care and home hygiene" on September 21, 2023, which we held as part of the FEAD project "Hand of Clean Support" with the help of Terra Hub Croatia. All the participants went home with their hands packed with natural cosmetics that they made at this workshop! The second ecological workshop held in October was dedicated to making natural rosemary cream and cream for dry skin.




As part of the project activities, we continue to regularly distribute our FEAD packages with hygiene supplies for the body and house to needy people in the entire Imotski region. The distribution of 3700 hygiene packages is going according to plan. Users are very satisfied with the content of the package, which greatly facilitates their life circumstances, which are put in a really difficult position due to expense.  The project itself is funded by the European Union from the European Aid Fund for the most deprived (FEAD).


